Couples, Family & Group Therapy in New York State & Connecticut Coaching

Couples & Family Therapy

You love each other but sometimes it seems like you can't even be in the same room without fighting. Misunderstandings, miscommunication and tension is the norm.​ When tensions are high, it can be hard to remember that you and your partner or family member are on the same team.

I will help remind you of, or teach you ways to communicate more effectively with each other.

image of family in conflict
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Upcoming Support Group

Support groups are spaces where people with similar experiences or concerns can provide each other with encouragement, comfort, and advice.

So often people feel like no one else would understand what they're going through. It often comes as a surprise to learn that others have similar thoughts, feelings, and experiences.

While each person's journey is unique, you do not have to go through it alone.

Develop A Job-Search Action Plan

You have the education or the training but now what?

If you're feeling overwhelmed trying to figure out how to start or stay motivated with your job-search or career transition, I can help.

Set Goals